La Parade des Serpents: Prix Alcazar (Thriller d'actualité)

(FRANCAIS) Dilon, quadra intrépide, et Ys, sa séduisante compagne ont posé leurs valises dans une villa de rêve à Saint-Tropez, bien décidés à profiter d'un repos mérité. Pourtant, les vacances tournent vite au cauchemar. Espionnage, cambriolage, tentative d'intimidation : les travaux d'écriture de Dilon ne seraient ils pas la cause de tous ces tracas ? Notamment son roman sur les pratiques frauduleuses de certains laboratoires pharmaceutiques ...
Lors d'une course-poursuite haletante entre la presqu'ile de Saint Tropez et Londres, Dilon sera initié par une confrérie millénaire au mystère des correspondances entre la vie et la mort. Mais approcher le secret des guérisons miraculeuses n'est pas sans danger pour l'industrie du médicament.
Dilon soupçonne-t-il ce qui l'attend?
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Summer vacation time. Dilon and his beautiful girlfriend Ys have just arrived at their dream holiday villa on the Saint Tropez peninsula. Opulent vegetation and languid summer nights create the perfect setting for a delightful month of August.
Late one night, they come home to find the house has been burgled and Dilon’s computer stolen. A computer containing potentially explosive information on the fraudulent methods used by certain huge pharmaceutical labs, lobbying and marketing tricks that are exceptionally profitable but not necessarily focused on the interests of public health.
Taking in the hot spots around Saint Tropez and Ramatuelle with his friends, Dilon finds himself trailed by a mysterious Mafia, which is spying on him and soon trying to kill him.
Dilon meets an unusual character, Professor Mercateer, a theologian and expert on the history of medicine since ancient times. The professor is also a victim of this “cartel” of laboratories. He sets up a secret meeting in an abandoned house not far from the Saint Tropez citadel. There, he tells Dilon about his research on the Circle of Asclepius, a sect founded in ancient Greece, which has transmitted its esoteric knowledge of the dynamics of life and death down through the centuries. It holds the secret of miracle healing.
The mystery deepens during several encounters with disciples of the Circle of Asclepius in an old monastery in the remote hills of the Maures massif. Dilon learns how the Circle’s secrets have wended their way through history until today, shared by the Knights Templar, physicians in Moorish Spain, and the French seer Nostradamus.
Meanwhile, in London, the heads of the sinister “cartel” of pharmaceutical labs are plotting their strategy and trying to assess this threat. Is the Circle of Asclepius sect simply a hocus pocus joke, or a powerful foe with the means to destroy them?
They decide to organize an academic conference and invite the entire international membership of the Circle of Asclepius to attend, the better to observe them and, if necessary, eliminate them.
From far away, Ys remains vigilant and does what she can to prevent Dilon from falling into a deadly trap.
The strange seminar takes place in an English manor not far from London and Dilon is thrown into its midst. Despite a leg injury, he is ready for action. After numerous twists and turns, he takes over as Commander of the Circle of Asclepius, valiantly leading the group deeper into discovery of mental powers and miraculous healing while averting a showdown with the evil drug company cartel.
( “Strategy of Serpents” has stirred impressive buzz since its publication in France in July 2011, selling several thousand copies and winning the “Prix Alcazar du Thriller” award).
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